As a recent surgical patient for two separate cases, I know what pain is and how much one can take before we (well, I) pop a pill or down a shot of liquid pain killer. Every 4-6 hours as prescribed was not far off, but sometimes, trust me, I was counting the seconds. In the case of our dear Trix, being cut from top to bottom and hardly a whimper, how stoic can one get. When Trix got released from Arbor View Monday night, she was a tad groggy, but ready to go. She got home and Deanna and I were going over options to allow her some privacy and quiet space to relax with. We started with my bedroom and bed, but she stirred for a few hours, yet, got in a few 20 minute naps. She then moved into the office to be with her mother(Deanna) and before long, that little tyke was on the move, and has been ever since…..
It just amazes me sometimes to see the kids get hurt, sometimes rather rough. Some need stitches, some go onto a regime of antibiotics, maybe a pain killer or two, but all and all, they take what is thrown at them and run with it. Deanna said something the other day… People, we know that we can call in to work sick, cough cough….. Animals, well, they have no real agenda but a bit of food and some play time, then off to a nap. They are not expected to punch a clock, nor take advantage of a slight cold/cut. With the amount of animals on the Ranch, one is bound to need a little special attention in some form or another, our job, to assist and make that ‘special attention’ happen.
We would love to have ya’ll come out to the ranch, check things out, and help us administer that ‘special attention’ to the beloved animals that have entrusted us to be a part of their lives…..
Have an awesome weekend and hope to see you soon…..
I'm going to Mom and Dad's this weekend, and, since Mom can't make it out there tomorrow, we're talking about visiting on the holiday. I love three-day weekends!
Glad Trix is doing well!
Hi Guy! Thank you for being SUCH a good uncle to Princess Trix!!
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