Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Real Win-Win!

Our talented hoof trimmer, Rachel Chao, is also a speech pathologist for Easter Seals. Rachel has coordinated a monthly visit to the ranch for the clients that she works with. Tuesday was the second visit from Easter Seals and Rachel was able to provide permission to post the photos from this as well as last month's visit (hooray! I've been dying to share!).

It is such a pleasure to get to know a bit about each individual and to see them interact with the animals, as well as to watch the animals enjoying the attention. The horses get heavy eyes and their lips twitch with appreciation when the groomer gets just the right spot.


Tom visits with Max and Bernie

John holds the newest girl, Grace

Handsome gives Lisa sweet kisses!

Marcellos poses with the Dolly Mama

Quyen brushes Spike while Anthony observes his technique

Steven gave Daisy a great grooming!

Goodbye, Rachel!


Bob gave Tank a thorough and attentive grooming

Steven did another great job on his pal, Daisy

Kim picked Dolly's feet

John gave Daisy loving attention

Bob and Marcellos give some loving to Spike

Steven greets Pinky

Kim single-handedly (literally!) groomed two horses!

We feel honored to share our passion with these kind friends and look forward to next month's time together.

1 comment:

Meg said...

What wonderful pictures! Animals are so good for us, don't you think? I can't imagine life without my sweet kitty, and look forward to the day when I can afford to have more animals around.

My mom continues loving taking care of your babies. She loves the calming influence of the horses and Spike. They are all so very sweet. Next time I have a Monday off to come with her, I will!