Monday, November 30, 2009

I Am So Grateful! ~ Woody

As I write this blog, I am feeling very thankful, literally bursting with appreciation, and since I am not one to keep things to myself, I thought I would share.

We are, of course, in the midst of some challenges and when we focused on that, it literally kept us paralyzed. But as soon as we made our situation public, a stream of support has flowed in that has been overwhelming, and as we have changed our focus, it has energized and renewed us. Very much like the scene in 'It’s A Wonderful Life' when the community comes together to save the Building and Loan, and Jimmy Stewart, realizing his life is meaningful, stands in his living room, speechless as neighbor after neighbor comes in to donate. Wow!

The feeling has been the same for Dee and me. We have received help from many we know, but even more help from those we have never met. People of every possible social category have come together to support the work we started 9 years ago. The reach of the sanctuary has now gone well beyond Dee and I, and is beginning to gain extraordinary momentum, and with that, starting to effect real change in the way our world views animals at the end of their lives.

We have raised more than $41,000, and are more than half way to our goal, and with each day there is more and more energy that is building. The sense of kindness and goodness is palatable, and even when that energy has not yet manifested in some concrete event, you cannot help but to feel it at the sanctuary. The animals feel it. Dee and I feel it and visitors feel it. It is a marvelous thing to behold and witness.

And so I am grateful. I am thankful, and I am hopeful.

And I am so for all those who have come into our lives to help us continue to serve animals that no one wants, and treat them with the dignity and honor they deserve, and allow them to pass when they chose, and in doing so, offer them A Chance For Bliss.

Happy Thanksgiving!!


Photo or Woody & Nelly courtesy of Crystal Showalter

STR Update #5 from November 16

(I apologize for the delay in getting Lydia's amazing work on our blog)

I think Andrew Lawson sums it up best about Dee and Woody: "They are very special people that have chosen a very special path and could use a bit of help right now."

Thanks to all of you, we're almost at the halfway mark....

A Chance for Bliss on Channel 10
Ann Makovec did a wonderful and thorough report on the situation at the Sanctuary. Pass this one around:

Current and Upcoming "Fun-Raisers"

Yummy Candy Grams - now through November 30th
Tiffany Malone of Easter Seals is the Program Director of the Help to Recovery (HTR) Adult Day Healthcare Program. Their clients are adults who have suffered brain injuries and participate in the program to build the necessary skills to hopefully one day be able to return to the community setting. The HTR clients come to the sanctuary once a month to work with the animals:

"The HTR clients have decided to do a November fundraiser for A Chance for Bliss... Attached is the flyer for our Candy Grams...anyone can place an order to purchase a Hershey's bar wrapped with a thankful note, telling someone in their life they "make the world a sweeter place." The wrapper also has the website for and proceeds going to ACFB. Please let everyone know about our fundraiser...they can contact us to place their order and/or purchase the candy grams. They will be available all month." Awww... shucks - you can't get any sweeter than that!

Doggie Massage - Friday, November 27th
Tom Wilson of A Chance for Bliss and Carole Baird, owner of Creekside Pet Resort, Sacramento
"We're going to massage animals as a fundraiser on November 27th, the day after Thanksgiving, (and maybe some that weekend). Clients who leave their animals for boarding will be given a option to have an acupressure massage for only $35; all proceeds will benefit ACFB. Carole will extract hard expenses such as stamps, envelopes, labels - all out of pocket expenses - all of the labor is free."

Crab Cioppino Feed - Saturday December 5th
From Kory Murphy: "The first weekend in December we have an annual Crab Cioppino Feed (150+) for my company and this year on our invites we will turn it into a Fundraiser for ACFB and asking for donations at the door. My co-worker Kathy Michalis will help me put on the event. "Crab Cioppino" Fundraiser @ KrisKo Farms, Newcastle. OPEN HOUSE 4-8. More details to come!"

KrisKo Farms Mandarin Sales
$12 for 10 pound bag and half of the proceeds will go to ACFB. (fliers and logo will go in each bag sold) have all interested contact me via email @

Doggone Fun on Sunday, December 6th, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Aunt Cynthia's Bed & Biscuit in Loomis is having their grand re-opening called "Yappy Hour." There will be lots of activities and fun galore at this event! Details are on the flyer on our home page of our website.

Now through January 5, 2010
Let me help ease your Holiday stress! I'm a licensed Massage Therapist and besides offering a nice discount, I will be donating 20% of my proceeds. So take advantage of this special and help the sanctuary at the same time. If you need a team of therapists for a corporate event, do have your company representative contact me. Email me (Lydia) for a flyer:

Mountains of Nickels for A Chance for Bliss - Now through January 10, 2010
Shop at Whole Foods Roseville, bring your own bags, and tell the cashier that you want your nickel per bag to go to A Chance for Bliss. It doesn't get any easier than this!

Thanks to our new friend, Jen Stiling, who has lots of great ideas for future Fun-Raisers that we definitely will keep in mind for the future.

In the recent ACTHA fundraiser, Jessica Bugge, winner of the Open Division gave us a most pleasant surprise. Well, really, a second surprise, as she generously donated back a portion of her cash award. Jessica heads up the Sacramento Horse Meetup Group, and together they are working to host a Poker Ride to benefit ACFB. Details to follow!

Linda Bagnall of Sun City/Lincoln Hills gave us some great news:
"As far as a Chance for Bliss Sanctuary, SCOOP (Sun City Organization of Pooches) has decided to hold a silent auction at our Holiday party in December and all proceeds will benefit them ... Others are donating baked goods, art paintings, etc..."

Thanks for Continuing to Spread the Word

Rene Bender, Fell Legend Farm
... please write Ellen and Oprah about the A Chance for Bliss and the wonderful animals they help."

Denise LeBeau, Best Friends Animal Sanctuary"I work for Best Friends Animal Sanctuary and we have an online outreach website called the Best Friends Network. The Network is comprised of various Go Local communities and we've added the call for donations to our California Go Local for Chance for Bliss Animal Sanctuary. We were emailed the story link from one of our Members and went ahead and posted it."

Here's the link to their article:

Debbie Fuller, The Biscuit Foundation
It's so nice to make new friends! " ... I went on your website today and I love what you're doing. I cried and smiled at the same time. You have your hands full but I know you have to love what you are doing for these pets. ... Keep up the good work!!!"

Andrew Lawson
"I am just spreading the word about this wonderful place ... A Chance for Bliss, is a last stop for a long list of wonderful animals that have been given up on. Everything from horses, goats, cows, pigs, dogs ..." He and Christopher Brown also spread the word to: Bank of America, Sutter Health, William-Sonoma, and Hartford corporations.

Felice Hussa
" Amanda and Susan put flyers in the Auburn Library, the Echo Valley Feed store on Nevada Street, and one of the Vet offices in Auburn last week ... I spoke at length to my sister-in-law, Ileana, who lives in Florida ... my brother and his wife have been active in animal rights for years ... Anyway, Ileana forwarded my email to around 50 of her animal friends around the country."

Reverend Ann Whitfield
"A Chance for Bliss is very dear to my heart. Please consider it as one of your charities ... My son, Dru, has sent the letter out to many people that are affiliated with larger corporations in hopes that you might receive some attention and donations through them also."

Ann also wrote a wonderful story about A Chance for Bliss that I will be posting.

Judi Fibush
"Both David and I and our friends the Ewings have written Ellen and Oprah. We sent David's letter out to about 30 friends who said they would write to these shows ... "

Kory Murphy
"I have 6 Straw Bales a Metal horse feeder and some bags of piggie food to bring you. I have a few people that have said they were going to donate ... I am telling everyone I know and what the situation is out @ ACFB. And asking people to spread the word to investors and business owners to donate what they can."

If you haven't heard about iGIVE or Goodsearch, let me have two of our supporters tell you about them - such an EZ way to shop and fundraise at the same time!

Suzi Johnston for iGIVE:


With iSearchiGive, you can raise a penny (or more) when you search the web! Use it to find coupons, products, stores that help your cause, and much more. And did you know...your iGive Toolbar will automatically track donations for your cause, anytime you shop at one of the 700+ stores in our network!
To learn more about your iGive Toolbar, visit:

Make your first purchase (through iGive!) within 45 days of joining, andwe'll add a $5 bonus* on top of the usual donation to A Chance for Bliss! Find stores, donation rates, and coupons at:

Earn hundreds more for your cause by inviting your friends to join iGive.

4. GET CREDIT (DONATIONS) WHEN YOU SHOP -AUTOMATICALLY!Remember to start your shopping at, or use the iGive Toolbar, and a portion of each purchase will be donated to your cause! It takes 10 days (on average, after shipping) for your purchases and donations to be credited. Occasionally, it can take up to 30 days. Track your earnings through searching
(iSearchiGive) and shopping at:

Robin Zabala for Goodsearch
"I started using Goodsearch last year to benefit my daughter's school. This year she changed schools and her new school isn't on Goodsearch. I started looking for another charity to benefit at about the same time I heard A Chance for Bliss was in trouble. I found about Bliss from Lynn Willingham. I'm a bookseller and I'm out at Lynn's every week buying from her. My daughter's girl scout troop took a tour of the sanctuary and we were all quite moved by the place. Anyways, I found this on Goodsearch:"

"Tell fellow supporters how they can raise additional money just by GoodSearching. What if A Chance for Bliss earned a donation every time you searched the Internet? Or how about if a percentage of every purchase you made online went to support our cause? Well, now it can! is a new Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. Use it just as you would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, and watch the donations add up! "

" is a new online shopping mall which donates up to 30 percent of each purchase to your favorite cause! Hundreds of great stores including Amazon, Target, Gap, Best Buy, ebay, Macy's and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with GoodShop and every time you place an order, you'll be supporting your favorite cause. And if you download the GoodSearch - A Chance for Bliss toolbar, our cause will earn money every time you shop and search online - even if you forget to go to GoodShop or GoodSearch first! Add the A Chance for Bliss toolbar at


Alice Aho, Karen Ahrns, Wendy, Andreotti, Joanne Andrews, Betty Abuer, Denise Draper Bays, Caroline Bering, Malia Bervar, Laura & Greg Bisi, Elizabeth Brandt, Jessica Bugge, Becky Buljan, Norma Carson, Catharine Ching, Merrilee Cichy, Ann Collins, Rhonda Cordano, Carol Crimmins, Wanda Critchfield-Guidi, Ursula Devere, Sandra Devin, Joseph Elie, Carol Emerson, Susan Farmer, Kathy & Greg Fellers, Susan Fischer, Diane Flice, Martha Florey, Libby Kelson Fulcher, Gary Gallawa, Deborah Gibbs, Carole Goldberg, Janet Hudson, Emily Jacobson, Sharon Jacobson, Alan Kim, David Kintz, Margaret Krause, Jan Krueger, Joanne Lee, Kelly McCusker, Paula Davis Magrath-Hambrick. Randolph Mayes, Lynn Mazie, Deborah Morris, Charles "Ben" Mundy, Laura Nasatir, M.D., Ellen Nakata-Harper, Kris Neustadter, Joan O'Brien, PPASTS Foundation - Patricia Irish, Suzanne Paoli, Vicki Perry, Karen Raasch, Miguel Rivera, Daniel Roberts, Michael Satterlee, Scooter's Pals, Linda Scott, Crystal Showalter, Sandra Silberstein, Janice Stone, Nadia Sureda, Sharon Thorpe, Nancie Watte, Sally Morgan Welch, Marsha Wilson, and to all our generous donors who prefer to remain "Anonymous."

We have connected with so many loving hearts and minds during this time. Thank you so much for your love and support - we can't do this without you.


Lydia T. Patubo
Volunteer/Marketing & Development
A Chance for Bliss

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We're Back..

On November 24th we made our visit to the sanctuary. Anthony drove the bus. Theresa and Prem rode shotgun. It was a fun ride; but, Hector talked all the way, as usual. While we were there, Rik and Al gave baths to seven (7) dogs.

Even though we were not supposed to tell… Les broke the grinder. You see, Les & Hector were grinding flax seeds. They had ground a whole bucket when Les broke the grinder. If not for Deanna’s mechanical aptitude the grinder may still be broken.

Deanna reminisced with us about reading Stephen King novels and the different levels of reincarnation. While she was doing this; Jim was feeding the pigs. While he is there at the sanctuary; he is different as night and day. Kim and Ron groomed horses. Kim showed extreme patience; as usual, while there.

As you know, we have been raising funds through our candy-gram drive. So, we delivered a total of $323 to A Chance for Bliss. Next month we will have more money for them. We will have our annual holiday shoppe and all the proceeds will benefit A Chance for Bliss.

Remember to take a tip from the dogs. When you see our wheelchairs; don’t prejudge us. Sniff our feet first. Then, you can growl. (If you want.)

-Lisa & Hector
Easter Seals Superior California
Help to Recovery program

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Life on the Ranch ~ by Deanna

The ACTHA ride is thankfully behind us, but we're still catching up on communications prompted by our grassroots effort to build our support network. Admittedly, volunteers have been given little attention yet, but please don't give up on us. We're making progress.

I wanted to share that we've been struggling with a few animal issues, as well.

Baby, our favored diabetic Pom, was certainly not feeling well late last week, so went to the vet for testing. He suffered from a bout of Pancreatitis and Ketosis, which whe was treated for, but there was also a huge spike in blood sugar. At first we suspected Cushing's, but it turned out to be thyroid. He is feeling MUCH better, but he had us worried Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

On Sunday, both Bernie (19 yo Boston) and Moose (our newest old Pug) experienced seizures. This was not Bernie's first, and while short, it was intense. At his age, this is not unexpected. Moose's was rather light and we'd hoped it was a fluke, but he had another episode today, which looks more like a stroke. Moose is listing a bit and has difficulty walking without weaving. He is still happy and doesn't appear to have any pain, but our dear boy is simply changed. He has been here for such a short period and we adore him so, this is bringing us real heartache.

Woody and I were recently introduced to the concept of Compassion Fatigue through the HSUS publication Animal Sheltering. While this life is always filled with challenges like those described above, the incredible stress brought about by our current situation has us pretty well exhausted. Recognizing this and being aware of coping mechanisims will help us to regain our balance. We are not without support. But there is much more to do than time allows. We'll do the best we can to direct our energies wisely.

Thank you for helping us through this most interesting time. I believe that we will somehow survive and even thrive, but there are moments that simply must be spent loving animals as opposed to attending to other matters. Moose will follow me from room to room no matter how compromised his gait. He deserves to be recognized, coddled and hugged.

Thank you for your patience as we push through. It's time for me to go snuggle some old guys.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009



There are Heroes Everywhere !!

Because of YOU, word has been spreading and there is so much to be thankful for in this newsletter. But first, it's important to talk about three heroes that truly stand out in this effort to Save the Ranch:

Margaret Andrews
'Mags' was the very first person to join A Chance for Bliss over a year and a half ago. She loves all animals, especially equines, and has been of invaluable assistance to Dee and Woody. Margaret is always at the ranch, pitching in wherever she is needed, no matter what - her 'elbow grease' is amazing! More than that, she is a true friend and her dedication to the sanctuary is unrivaled.

Lynn Willingham
This philanthropist extraordinaire has earned her wings many times over. For the past 20 years, the book sales she has held at her home in Penryn have generated over $425,000 for local, non- profit animal organizations. At the sale this past weekend, she set up a special area with a donation jar and pictures of our residents, and the money started pouring in... over $800! Lynn is truly a singular woman, and it is an honor to know her.

Linda Bagnall
This Sun City/Lincoln Hills resident and a newcomer to A Chance for Bliss, rallies her neighbors through their Yahoo! group. Linda has been a blessing to this effort, and we are so grateful for her support.

Please Join Us on Yahoo!

Please join the Yahoo! group for A Chance for Bliss - it only takes minute to do. It's small group right now, and we would love you to be a part of it. When you join the group, you'll be part of a forum where you can 'connect' to other like-minded members with your great ideas.

Kory and Shawn Murphy have hooked up with Kevin Wilkinson from Scott's Corner Hay & Feed in Newcastle to coordinate some run-in shelters, but we sure could use more materials (and we're not picky!) If you are able to donate building materials, do join the Yahoo group to work with them.

Since the Last Update

A HUGE THANK YOU to the ongoing monthly supporters of A Chance for Bliss. Their regular donations help defray the day-to-day expenses at the sanctuary. A thousand thanks to the Fibush, Sweeney, Reeves and Thorpe families.

We gratefully acknowledge our most recent donors:

Lynn Aiani, Judith Amor, Gene Anderson, JoAnne Andrews, Margaret Andrews, Judy Bacich, Tom Bailey, Nancy Ball, Carolyn Bartley, Joan & John Bartley, Bernell Bennion, Ann Bjorklund, Beverly Brown, Casey Brown, Jessica Bugge, Anita Bunter, Susan Call, Catharine Ching, Kathleen Cicairos, Janel Connell, Maria Cornelius, Charlene Cota-Leatherman, Sheree Courtney, Jeremy Couzens, Curtis & Janice Covington, Katherine Cunningham, Edna Dager, Cynthia DeBord, Robert Delucchi, Susan DeMartile, Deirdre Dement, Sandra Devin, Denise Draper Bays, Rita & Jack Drinkard, Alexis Durham, Joseph Elie, Paula & Mike Ewing, Jennifer Fatkin, Judi & David Fibush, Susan Fischer, Dennis Forbes, Nancy Fox, Scott Freitas, Pamela Fulmer, Gary Gallawa, Ann Gardner, Diane Glueckert, Natalie Granchukoff (again!), Domenic Gulino, Ron Hanson, Tony Held, Julie Hersch, Jeanne Heschele, Sandra Hesnard, Jerri Hildebrand, Birgit & Kurt Huffman, Shelley Jacobson, Donna Jenkins, Patricia Johnson, Carol Johnston, Suzi Johnston, Joni Jorgensen Risk, Sunny Jung, Doris Keyes, Kathryn Keyes, Alan Kim, Heidi, Cali & Alex Knost, Sarah Kopy, Carmen Kouhestani, Margaret Krause, Liang-hsuan Kuo, Joanne Lee, Kian Lee, Felicity MacGrain, Maria ManzanillaOwen, Lisa Marshall, Karen Mason, Katherine Masyn, Nancy McKee, Marnette Meaney, Vicky Meyer, Ellen Nakata-Harper, Beverly Nanez, Christian Nielsen, Vicki Oberg, Lenna Ontai-Grzebik, Caryn Parmalee, Ashley Pelia, Misty Pellow, Vicki Perry, Pat Pitts, Candace Primrose, Marilyn & Rex Railsback, Ann Ranlett, Katherine Reschly, Susan Reynolds, Robin Risser, Vicky & Dr. Miguel Rivera, Betty Rogers, Karen Rogers, Sara Rusmisel, Lana Schultz, Vickie Shaug, Lois Shawver, Paula Skelton, Janice Slone, Erik Smith, Melodie Smith, Peggy Smith, Susan Stack, Janis Stanfill, Kelly Swallows, Colleen Sweeney, Carley Sweet, Jetta Tatom, Gary Thomas, Elise & Paul Thompson, Sharon Thorpe, Marysue Tiffany, Sarah Tomaszewski-Farias, Robert Tsuk, Kathleen Vanstory, Julia Velson, Melanie Walker, Nancie Watts, Dana Westmoreland, Ann & James Whitfield, Lynn Willingham (again!), Masako Yeager, Friends of Placer/Tahoe Vista Placer County Animal Shelter, Furman Properties, LLC, Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue and

Thanks to so many who have written to the The Ellen Degeneres Show, including: Jeanette Patterson, Judi and David Fibush, Julia Velson, Doris Keys, Elizabeth Faherty, Becca Davis, Christina Watts, Cynthia Dibor, Kay Cunningham and Eileen Thornton. Here's the link again:

Here's a great example of a letter from Judi Fibush:

"Here's what I did for the Ellen show. I filled in my name etc at the top of the form including a (required) picture of Handsome (attached). In the 'story' I wrote this:"

"This is about the marvelous people who run an animal sanctuary for all kinds of domestic animals who have been abandoned, dumped, starved, beaten, left to die, etc. by giving them a home and care and love until they pass on. David (Woody) and Deanna are in a terrible financial crunch to keep this place going. Please go to their website at and look up the RESIDENTS and see their pix and read their stories. (My favorite is Handsome, the pony who was born with a club hoof , they had surgery done and he is normal now and very handsome.) they are also a 501(c)3 #261452047 charity so all contributions are deductible. Please help this cause as Woody and Deanna are an unselfish, passionate and caring people as you can find..."

Wanna write Oprah? Let me know when you do!

Dan Turner wrote to KTXL Fox 40 ! Thank you, Dan!

Thanks to so many of you for requesting copies of the flyer, "At the Heart of the Matter", including: Tom Wilson, Rene Bender, Mary Hartwell, Sharon Jacobson, Kory Murphy, Linda Bagnall (Linda also wrote to the Lincoln News Messenger), Dr. Gerald Djuth, Lynn Willingham, Suzi Johnston, Ronda Belka, Tiffany Malone, Heather Ireland, Christina Watts, Shawn & Kory Murphy, Felice & Gregory Hussa, Birgit Huffman, Cory Bertoglio, Cynthia McCoy, Lynn Willingham, Jajuan Francis, Emily Jacobson, Tish Eccleston, Ann Ranlett, Carl Brunberg, Pamela Gorman, Heather Olson, Theresa Magee, Carole Baird, Diana Ramirez, Vicki Rivera, Frances M., and Tana Symons. A link to the flyer is now on the home page: Thanks to all of you for spreading the word!

Diana Himes
Our new friend to A Chance for Bliss wrote to her Sun City/Lincoln Hills Yahoo! Group: "This is a worthy group. I have been to their place and met ALL of the animals. It is a wonderful, clean, and caring home for older animals that have no other option but death. Some of these animals are there because they have lost their elderly owners. Others are there because of neglect or abuse, and no one wanted them. They are now living out the rest of their lives knowing only kindness. This couple has devoted their home and property to this and now this is in jeopardy. Check out their website and please consider sending a donation if you can..."

Felice Hussa
Thank you for posting the flyer and for recruiting a friend:

" I have put up posters at Blue Goose Produce, Wild Chicken Coffee, Christensen's Tack, Main Drug, and Raley's Loomis. Also Newcastle Produce. I added tags at the bottom with ... I'm going to make several posters that are two put together so they can go in a window with the tags on the poster inside the building."

... Pat Brown is a wildlife rescuer who specializes in ducks and geese. She works occasionally at the Folsom Zoo. She will download some flyers and go to these places to post them tomorrow: Folsom Zoo, Bayside Veterinary Hospital, Douglas Ranch & Supply, Raley's on Folsom Auburn Road."

The Railsbacks (friends of the Fibush family) delivered a cash donation and blankets to the sanctuary.

K.D. Beebe
Hey, here's an idea for your sorority girls or fraternity guys!
"In San Francisco I was friends with girls in sororities and they often told me about their philanthropy work. Have you considered contacting any sororities or fraternities at Sac State or even UCD? They're basically perky little armies who do their own fundraising ..."

BK England
I am doing my darndest to contact people, and hope to have Woody on the KAHI Corral ... I love those guys!!!

Reverend Ann Whitfield
"Hey Dee: If you liked the story of Summer, would like me to keep writing animals stories for you ... to help raise awareness and funds? ... This is one thing I can do for you. My husband, Jim is sending you a donation via your website."

Somehow God will work this out for you. Have you tried the Bill Gates Fund, which is focused on kids and education but you have disabled kids come to the ranch ..."

A Chance for Bliss t-shirts are now on sale online through Café Press. Click on the donate button on their home page: and you'll find the link to Café Press. There are many styles to choose from (I better order mine today)!

and CAROLE BAIRD, OWNER of CREEKSIDE PET RESORT (Tom teaches animal classes at the sanctuary, including Craniosacral, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Tui Na, Acupressure, Reiki and more!)

Acupressure Massage at Creekside Pet Resort
5441 Hackberry Lane, Sacramento

"We're going to massage animals as a fundraiser on November 27th, the day after Thanksgiving, (and maybe some that weekend). Clients who leave their animals for boarding will be given a option to have an acupressure massage for only $35; all proceeds will benefit ACFB. Carole will extract hard expenses such as stamps, envelopes, labels - all out of pocket expenses - all of the labor is free."


"... a group of our clients here at Easter Seals volunteer at the sanctuary once every month. Our clients from the Help to Recovery Program are adults who have suffered brain injuries and are participating in our program to build the necessary skills to hopefully one day be able to return to the community setting. Deanna and Woody were so generous in offering us this volunteer opportunity over a year ago, and I can't describe the degree to which it has positively affected and changed these clients.

Each year, our program hosts a Holiday Shoppe in December. It is strictly stocked with donations from Hallmark and other donors, and the items are sold at reasonable prices to encourage people to shop for friends, family, co-workers, etc. It's also a venue for the participants of our other adult day programs to shop for each other and their loved ones. Our clients select an organization to donate the proceeds each year; last year they selected ACFB, and we were able to donate over $1,000 to the sanctuary. Immediately after wrapping up the shoppe, the clients decided they wanted ACFB to be the recipient again this year. I don't have dates yet, but hopefully this will be something you can eventually add to your flyer. As soon as I have the details, I will forward the information to you. We are usually open 6-8 times throughout December (Monday-Friday). I just wanted to give you a heads-up.

Thank you for keeping us posted on everything that is going on. We appreciate all of the information and will do everything we can to help."

Krisko Farms in Newcastle is taking advance orders for their Placer-grown mandarin oranges. Half of the proceeds will benefit A Chance for Bliss. A 10 pound sack is only $12! Thank you to Terri Dudgeon (Kory Murphy's mom) !

Sunday, December 6th Time: 1:00-5:00 p.m.
3190 Swetzer Road, Loomis (near King/Taylor intersection)
Activities Planned: wine tasting, munchies (for humans and dogs); Pet Portraits with Santa; Grooming Demo; Obedience Training Demo; Tours of the Cat Nap Inn and four large living rooms for cage-free boarding; large play yards, raffle (several items, including a week at a time share anywhere in the world) and a short dedication ceremony in Memorial Garden."
(BTW, Aunt Cynthia's is now able to care for cats in my new building! It is called "Cat Nap Inn". I also can care for other exotics...such as bearded dragons, birds, hamsters, etc.)

The irrepressible spirit in this woman continues to come up with new ways to support the sanctuary:
". . .on Etsy, I always have a number of items in my shop with a portion going to A Chance for Bliss (from $1 - $10). Here's the link for those items: Maybe folks can find some holiday gifts there or in Barking Dog Blanket's shop and help Bliss in the process :) I also have stuff on Bonanzle with a donation to ACFB: "

We've been gathering items from gracious donors for a garage sale, BUT, we don't have a location. We've got the stuff and the volunteers, but no place to go. If you know of a place where we can have a garage/yard sale, do drop me a line.

As I mentioned, this is a long newsletter because we have SO MUCH to be grateful for. Thank you for spreading the word and for your generous donations of time and money, but most of all, for your belief and love that together we can all SAVE THE RANCH.

Love and Blessings,
Lydia Patubo
Volunteer/Marketing & Development
A Chance for Bliss