I was hesitant to announce the presence of such a young, frail bunny after having spent hours reading about young cottontails. The prognosis is universally grave. Taylor really responded to our care and became so animated and friendly that my hopes were high.
Last Tuesday night, after the rest of the house was asleep, my noctural buddy sat on my chest and gingerly licked and kissed my lips, nose and all over my face. I hadn't felt sheer joy and wonder like that in quite a while.
I was crushed that Taylor crashed so quickly (again predicted by wildlife care sites) and held the tiny being in my hands as life left at 2:55 Friday morning. There had been nothing but positive signs. I finished putting groceries away late and realized that the cage was unusually quiet. He or she left quickly in the midst of sincere adoration and pure love. It has taken me a bit of time to talk about it.
On a brilliantly lighter note, I am thrilled to announce that a Halo Salon and Spa in Roseville is hosting a Fashion Show on April 30 and the proceeds benefit A Chance for Bliss!
Salon owner Alexis Reynolds became familiar with our work through Stephanie, a friend who had hoped to place a horse with us. The blind and lame Appaloosa mare had been abandoned by her owner and left at a Penryn boarding stable. Though we were unable to take the mare at the time, we offered to pitch in to keep her fed and delivered a jacket to protect her from the rain. When a space opens up, this sweet mare has a home here and we are grateful to Stephanie for caring for her in the interim. The jacket was too small and when Stephanie dropped by to return it, Alexis came with her.
We are very honored to be chosen as recipient of the proceeds from this fun event and will bring a couple of four-legged fashionistas of our own.
The fashion show runs from 4pm to 8pm and culminates in the raffling of cool prizes. Beverages and snacks will be provided. If you would like to contribute an item or service to the raffle, we would graciously accept.
Hope to see you at Halo on April 30!
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