I have to share a bit more about Bug as she has touched me especially. This little lady has the cutest mannerisms and she is my current "must touch while we sleep" partner. If I could, I would tote her around with me everywhere I go, but like many little old ladies, she is quite content to sleep much of the time.
Below is a clip of Bug making her presence known, followed by a picture of Bug with her Dad, Jon, during a recent visit.

On May 27, Murphy, Buddy, Bow Tie and I headed out to gorgeous Marin County to pick up a generous tack donation Halleck Creek Ranch, a therapeutic riding program in Nicasio. We are sincerely grateful for the large donation which included plenty of blankets for our eldest equine kids for the worst Winter days.

As with Bug, our love affair continues to deepen with recent arrival, Ruth. Ruth has made herself quite comfortable and asserts herself more and more. Not only will she guard her food seriously, she shows interest and affection for her siblings.

Sunday afternoon, this special girl experienced a grand mal seizure. As luck would have it, the Healing Arts Institute was conducting a Jin Shin Jyutsu class here so many loving, healing hands were available and ready to pour energy into Ruth. This was very emotional for me, not just because of the sadness I would have over the short period of time with Ruth, but I shed tears of gratitude over the overwhelming amount of support this lovely old woman received in her moment of greatest need. Beauty beyond measure - plucked from a shelter and into the most supportive circle imaginable... what a blessed little angel Ruth is. Shortly after her time in the circle, Ruth arose, took a drink of water and has been trucking on as usual ever since.

After sharing the above incident with Dr. Hunt, she shared that she wasn't entirely surprised... a "sick" liver (which is one of the consequences of Cushing's disease) can't function properly, so toxins build up in the blood stream and affect the brain ~ "hepatic encephalopathy." We'll take the punches as they come, but are dedicated to helping Ruth enjoy her days here to the fullest.
To add to the emotion of the weekend, our dear William experienced a serious bout of goat bloat. He, too, was the recipent of much loving attention (including both Eastern and Western approaches) and has made a full recovery, though he had us pretty frightened.
As I sign off for now, our little Miss Ruth is enjoying ice cream with Poppa.
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