Sometimes I forget that we're no longer living the quiet life that Woody and I once knew. I tend to view the days and weeks in terms of regular ranch chores, which account for roughly 15 hours of labor daily. Feeding, cleaning, shopping... It keeps us both (plus Margaret, Rachel, Becca, Jodie, Lewey & Jenna, Laurie...) plenty busy.
Gratefully, the sanctuary is growing, but at times I don't know how to plan and manage my time and energies the best. Admittedly, I get overwhelmed, and when I do, I tend to pick up a muck fork instead of the telephone. Mucking can be very zen and helps to quiet my mind, even though there are many other matters that demand my attention, as well. If you've not heard from me on some issue, please send another e-mail or leave another message. I'm doing the best I can in any given moment and the immediate care of the animals that live here tends to reign dominant.

Jan is Truly an Earth-Bound Angel ~ She Drives from Volcano
Within the last seven days, we orchestrated a benefit concert (photos), welcomed a blind horse, introduced our pups to new donated Drinkwell (filtered!) fountains (if that sounds easy, remember that one-third are blind!), breezed through the Western States Horse Expo (connecting and gathering information), attended a planning meeting for an upcoming barn raising, conducted four sanctuary tours, investigated new feed sources, hosted a dinner party for Woody's sister and her family (visting from VA), and began offsite training for Handsome and Dusty.

We could NOT do this without support. There are a huge number of acknowledgements that we need to make for the No Bozoz Benefit alone.
This week has brought a large number of deliveries - replacement muck fork heads, the Drinkwell fountains, Purina's Give-a-Bowl promotional materials, and books for the monthly sale...

At this very moment, I am blown away by a package that just arrived from Morgantown, West Virginia. I have told many people how incredibly honored we are to have a number of Hunter originals in our home, both Susan Hunter and the late George Hunter. Woody shared that Susan was sending some prints for our fundraising efforts, but what arrived today had me literally shaking. I've yet to take full inventory, but the box that arrived was filled with MANY, MANY originals. I am flabberghasted. The line from Wayne's World fills my head ~ "We are not worthy!" Please visit Susan's site and let her know how awesome she is!

These pieces are so beautiul (and NOT all Bostons!) We'll let the Board decide how to best utilize this most generous donation.
I suppose that makes it divine timing that I need to run to Ross Hay Ranch for a ton of alfalfa cubes before they close... Nothing like old fashioned physical labor to get me out of my head. I hope you each can feel the love we have for the support you give. Without such, where would Stevie, Ruth, Murphy, Faith & Justice, Otis, Bug, Red (etc., etc.) be?