Honestly, you'd think we had never seen a Boston Terrier before, the way Woody and I are fawning over our latest addition, Bug Findley-Bartley. We had never formally met, but have known of the sweet girl since February 2008 when Dr. Lana Linton [insert accolades here - she's truly special] called to see if we might be able to assist financially with this special girl. Bug was the light of her Daddy's life, but life has not treated him so kindly. Bug's Dad was shy, but would send us nice notes to keep us updated on her progress. Recently, he had to be hospitalized and Bug needed a place to go, so Tuesday morning we met her at last. A mere 13 pounds and looking every bit her 14 years, she has us both doting on her hand and foot, though not because she is demanding. It's just love. Over and over again we fall and we feel so blessed to be able to love so many diverse beings.

I immediately fell for Justice, as well, the 28yo Arabian gelding that arrived Sunday from the Modesto Animal Control. Heaven knows what he's been through, he has an angular hoof deformity, a sunburned nose, very little meat on his small frame, but a lust for life. Upon seeing our other horses, he immediately sprang into a full Arab prance, floating gracefully around and looking awfully proud of himself. His pal, Faith, is incredibly bright, as well, considering that her feet are in horrific, painful shape. We're unsure of Faith's age and breed at this point, but she is kind and well mannered. The sense of gratitude and trust that we are here to help is easy to read as we work with their feet and feed them special meals of LMF Low-Carb. Faith and Justice share their bowls and a true affection for one another. You can read their original story
I'm happy to introduce Doc, as well, who arrived on the 7th. Doc is a STUNNING 14yo Quarter Horse who has been suffering from Navicular for quite some time. He was bred in Montana as a cutter (Doc Bar lines, of course) and most recently worked as a therapy horse until his feet could no longer take a 30 minute session. The affection that his previous caregivers have for him comes across loud and clear and we're honored that they sought us out to care for the big boy and grateful that they contribute financially to insure his future. Here Doc is sporting his new boots.
With respect to hooves, these three present a tall order, but we cannot overemphasize the trust and respect we have for our trimmer, friend and fellow board member,
Rachel Chao. We've witnessed her magic on
Dolly and
Spike, I've attended her Hooves 101 intensive and feel her passion regularly. She is brilliant and dedicated and we are lucky to have her on our team. I look forward to sharing the progress these three will make. We love her and don't put any pressure on her, ever! ( *
wink *
wink * )
Another recent addition is Robin, a (mostly) Suffolk sheep who managed to catch her leg in a fence and damage it pretty severely. Robin is eight months old and was raised in a 4H environment, so she is not overly shy. Robin is a beautiful girl and we hope that Dr. Robin Skillman can help her.

The Inn is truly full, as are our hands and hearts. The days are long and busy, but rewarding. We cannot thank you enough for the support you provide.
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