Enjoying freshly prepared meals helped to ease Chico's adjustment into his new environment, of course... :o)

Going back just one day, on August 22, we awoke to find that Daisy had laid down in the shavings during the night, but was unable to get back up. Such things happen with age and arthritis, but with help from Woody and I, she was able to get up and shook it off. She had managed to rub herself pretty raw in spots, however, so I spent several hours with her that day, bathing her and treating her "owies." She has recovered, of course. This is why Daisy is wearing a sheet in the 'For Pets' Sake' video ~ to protect her from flies, dust and sun.

August 25, we made the first two vehicle donations to the sanctuary - Guy donated his Blazer (transmission died) and Woody and I donated the GMC that had seized. I'm grateful this was our introduction to the verhicle donation process as we now know what to expect. It was simple, easy and roughly 30 days later, we received a check for just over $400 for both donations combined, plus we'll receive a $500 tax deduction per vehicle.

Tuesday, August 26 was the third visit from our friends from Easter Seals. I really enjoy meeting new clients as well as getting to know others better with each return. This mutually beneficial relationship could encompass an entire blog of its own and nothing I could write will do justice to the depth of the exchange. I'll let the photos speak for themselves, but please know that our relationship Easter Seals has been one of the greatest blessings since the sanctuary's inception. Thank you, Rachel Chao.
That afternoon, Guy and I drove to San Francisco to pick up two senior Boston Terriers from our dear friend Linda of Wonder Dog Rescue. In addition, we delivered a very precious pup from Wee Wonders into Linda's extraordinary care ~ a Chihuahua puppy appropriately named Wee Wonder with an awful bite wound to his face. This baby needed what few of us could offer - lots of one on one TLC. He was dear to the late Sherre Beisel, of course, and Linda absolutely lives to provide abundant love and care to such needy kids. It was a perfect match with divine timing and we were ALL grateful. I was happy for the bit of time that I was able to spend with such a special little soul. Without going into any particulars about the intensive care, the sweet boy spent about three weeks with Linda before he left this world behind. He knew abundant love.

The visit with Linda was a rare and special treat. Neither of us are afforded much time away from our homes with so many babies in our care. Linda has been a dear friend for quite some time and is invaluable as a mentor. We shared a couple of delicious hours full of laughs, ideas and support before we kissed Aunt Linda goodbye and loaded up our new loves, Paddington and Dolly (aka 'Wiggle Butt').
Our philosophy with the seniors is that we're as concerned about their emotional health as their physical health (if not more), so we don't spare treats. If not adhering to a strict diet means they have fewer (but happier) days, so be it. Dolly and Paddy enjoyed cheeseburgers, french fries and my shake on their journey home and they were GRINNING!!

August closed for Guy and I with a two-day Hooves 101 intensive hosted by our trimmer, Rachel Chao. I strongly recommend this class for horse owners ~ what we don't educate ourselves about often results in pain (or worse) for our ponies and HEALTHY HOOVES ARE CRITICAL! I will give this subject the attention it deserves on our website but in the meantime, check out the class description on Rachel's site. Rachels' 'Wall of Fame' includes the last shoes ever worn by Rex, Odie, and Dolly... Who knows who else will be added.

A great deal happened in the last week of August atop the routine. I'll close for now with a few fun photos.

Did Odie pass away? Oh no! He was the first of your kids that I groomed, and such a sweet (if gassy!) old gentleman.
I am sorry to hear about Dolly, too. Each one of your kids is special, and their losses are felt keenly.
Hi Meg ~
I apologize that I wasn't clear - Odie is alive, well and continues to propel himself along with a series of "toots." :o)
I was speaking to our commitment to barefoot horses, but admittedly, I haven't addressed that clearly on the site OR the blog.
Dolly will long be missed ~ thank you for knowing her.
Oh Deanna! How it warms my heart to read the current blog posts. I LOVE the photos.... and I loved seeing the photo of my beloved Wee Wonder too.....
Everyone looks so happy and relaxed. I LOVED reading the blog update!
Much love to you, David, Guy and the "kids"..
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