Sanctuary Update + Upcoming Events - 2011With the continued support of our monthly giving sponsors and new donations that came in, we're looking pretty good for August - thank you!
We are currently at about 700 sponsors, and our ultimate goal is to get to the 2,500 mark. At that level, we will be at complete sustainability, can rely less on donations, and further concentrate our efforts on helping more animals. We are grateful to everyone who is spreading the word about the work we do, so keep it up!
We'd love to see you at our next Open House on August 13th, from 12 - 5 p.m. Everyone is invited, and we are especially reaching out to seniors this month to come meet our senior animals!
Mark your calendar for the rest of our Open Houses through the end of the year (we are closed for December and January):
September 10th - Fun for Kids
October 8th - Halloween Fun
November 12th - Giving Thanks
"Round Table" with Dr. Rich Jackson
Animal Medical Center, AuburnThink of all those questions you've wanted to ask your vet, but you forgot, or were running out of time, or maybe you were too embarrassed to ask. Happens all the time. Well, here's your chance to ask Dr. Jackson any and all questions you have about your beloved pet or farm animal.
Dr. Jackson is the veterinarian for the sanctuary, and we appreciate his kind and knowledgeable services. So, bring that list of questions and come join us on Saturday, August 27, from 1 - 4 p.m. for a fun and enjoyable roundtable discussion. $35/person. Advance registration is highly recommended; please go to our home page and click on the class to register.
(Here's our other classes through the end of the year: Horse Sense 101; Cranial Sacral & Other Integrative Healing Therapies for Your Equine; and Cooking for Your Pet & Christmas Treats!)
Monthly Giving - "Homers Heroes" Our sponsorship program is affectionately named after our "spokes pig" Homer. Our Heroes play an important role in the welfare of our residents.
A minimum $10 monthly donation goes a long way in the care and feeding of our animals, many who have urgent medical needs. You can become a sponsor by going to the HOW TO HELP section on our website.
Each month, we will send you the latest news on what's going on at the sanctuary, along with a large glossy photo and bio of the animal of the month in the category that you choose to sponsor.
.. I have decided to make a sacrifice and give up some of my Starbucks coffee runs ... It was a tough decision (LOL) but one I must make to help you in your mission which I hope one day will be mine. I was in the $10/month program, but let's double that to $20/month... God bless you for all you do. ~ Susan M.
VolunteersWe are slowly but surely putting together a fine team of volunteers. (Here's our wonderful office volunteer, Marta below!) We currently have a strong need for help in the areas of fundraising and grant writing.
We are also looking for volunteers to help out at Dog Day at Green Acres on August 13th and the Eggplant Festival in Loomis on October 1st. If you are able to give 3-4 hours of time on either of these days, we'd love to hear from you - please contact
Victory for Animals!Senate Bill 917, which prohibits the sale of animals on the street, in parking lots and other similar roadside venues was signed into law today by California Governor Jerry Brown.
Says the ASPCA's Jill Buckley, "By signing S.B. 917, Governor Brown recognizes the need to safeguard animals sold in public parking lots and roadside venues, and puppies, kittens and other pets will no longer be left to suffer in unsanitary and overcrowded cages without proper food and water." The new law also increases the penalty for animal cruelty neglect to up to one year in jail.